Saturday, February 11, 2006

About Me

I live in Traverse City,Mi., My dream town! Why ,you may ask? is this my dream town??

I will tell you, since you asked!! I have loved the T.C. area, since I was a child. My Grandparents had a farm(now part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore) on the Leelanau Pennisula, on Port Oneida /Pyramid Point.

I spent time there , as a child playing in the barns,exploring the orchards, trails, bluffs of Lake Michigan on their Homestead Farm. On their passing, the land went into the National Lakeshore, and the only thing on the old Homestead still standiing , is that very barn, I played in, so many years ago. That makes it a special place,for me! My parents Retired to Traverse City, and I had always hoped to get back to my Favorite place, in the world for me.

I ended up living in the middle of the state for a number of years, doing what you need to do, to survive. I had a good job, was on the local Fire Dept., and things were good ,for a long time, but I always went up to my Favorite town, whenever possible.

A number of years ago, I became more and more resolute to move to my favorite area. As situations changed with my job, and I had always had Allergies downstate, a number of things happened(for the better it turns out)to cause me to completely change my life around!

I now live in Traverse City, have a great job, and still am excited about living so close to the water(a big help, with my Allergies)!

I got involved with and met a Great group of people, that I get to hang out with, several times a year-Life is great!!! I bought a 5th wheel camper , and "fell into" my Dream truck, a Dually Cummin's pick-up!, Bright red) I, some day would like to find a Medium-Duty Truck, that I can make into a nice 'Big rig hauler" !! but for now my "cummin's" suits me just fine, never dreamed I would be so blessed with so many great friends,Living in My Favorite Place, in the country!!


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